Review for Timothy Johnson by Charlie B
Tim was exceptionally accommodating during our search. He took time to show us over 10 homes the first time we visited the Twin Cities to look. He was thorough with his comps and research on each home we looked at. Even after deciding to rent for 1 year, he kept in touch and was quick to jump back into the game as soon as we were ready to purchase. He has great associates and affiliates in all the areas needed to purchase a home (lending, inspections, etc.). He’s up front and direct, yet always looking out for the best interests of his clients. He helped us keep our perspective in check and see the value in the properties we were looking at. He was an exceptional advocate during our purchase negotiations, which was where his real talent made itself known: he is an outstanding representative for his clients and will do everything he can to ensure they are taken care of. His knowledge is unmatched in this field. He even followed up multiple times after the closing…and helped u