Review for Wayne Cory + Joseph Chen by David S

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Wayne and Joseph are incredible. We just bought our second home with him and could not be happier with his service. The guys are unreal. This is going to read like I’m being paid… seriously, I’m not, I’m just THAT happy with their service. We found Wayne by just searching his reviews – check them out on whatever site you want; their the best. There’s a reason they has those reviews. We had a view of what we wanted – areas, requirements, etc., what our budget was. Wayne helped us 100% of the way, even as we changed our minds mid-flight. He helped us line up the best lender I’ve worked with, all sorts of different vendors, found places that I never would have found on standard sites that aligned with what we wanted. The best part – Wayne NEVER makes you feel like you’re a bother. Think about it: you’re sitting in a potential home with your spouse, with a thousand questions and debating back and forth. Wayne will help guide you through it, and never feel like you need to hurry. He didn’t pressure us at all, and actually guided us AWAY from certain places vs. pressuring us to put in an offer. Oh you have 20 random questions today? Wayne doesn’t mind. I mean, he probably does, but you’ll never know because he’s too busy answering your questions. The first home we looked at with Wayne in-person was eye-opening. We arrived right on time; he had us look through the place and tell him our feedback before he told us his. He then helped us understand what was good and bad about the place, where our feedback fit in, and then pointed out like 10 different things we NEVER would have spotted. My previous realtor never did anything like this when I bought my first home. One of us fell in love with a home. The other spouse… not so much. Wayne talked us OUT OF THE HOUSE. He knew he’d find the right fit for us – and he did. He wasn’t trying to push anything through, just to make sure we got what we wanted. And the responsiveness? Damn. Seriously. The guy is a machine. Buying a house is one of the most stressful things you can do! Wayne gets it. He will constantly update you. He’ll respond to your texts at ridiculous hours. He’ll calm you down when you’re just randomly freaking out about things. Oh – you just saw a place and are worried it’ll be gone? Don’t worry, Wayne MULTIPLE TIMES met us SAME DAY to look through. Oh crap, I forgot a tape measure – nevermind, Wayne has that. OH NO there isn’t enough time to see all these places! It’s ok, Wayne has it mapped out already. It’s just… so less stressful than our first experience. You’re making the biggest investment you’ll probably ever make in a new home. You’re more worried than you’ve ever been. Just be honest with Wayne, and accept him being honest back, and he’s going to find you the best place possible within your constraints. If you’re looking for someone to just placate, Wayne isn’t your guy. You don’t need someone who is going to tell you what you WANT to hear, you need someone who will tell you what you NEED to hear so you get the right place. For that, Wayne IS your guy. Lastly, did I mention he got us our home for LESS THAN WE OFFERED? Yeah, that happened.

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